Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Breakfast Sandwich!

The BEST Breakfast Sandwich
The BEST Breakfast Sandwich

What You Need

Bagel thins or sandwich thins (I prefer Thomas 100% Whole Wheat Bagel Thins)
1/3 cup liquid egg whites
Olive oil cooking spray
Sautéed asparagus or broccoli
Mushrooms (optional)
Sliced Swiss cheese
Spicy Yogurt Sandwich Spread-Recipe below

Preparation Instructions

I like to make things as easy as possible when it comes to preparation of this sandwich. Therefore I like to use a round Pyrex dish and a microwave to make my eggs. I know some of you don’t like to use a microwave, but for ease of preparation it is my preferred method. You can also use a sauté pan. That being said I spray my Pyrex dish with olive oil and microwave for 60 seconds (will depend on the power of your microwave) or until the eggs are stiff but bouncy. Be careful not to overcook! While I am preparing the eggs I turn my oven to low broil and toast my bagel in a conventional toaster. Once eggs are done and bagel is toasted I assemble my sandwich. First put the spread on both sides, then egg topped by asparagus covered with swiss. Place on a baking sheet without top of bagel and place in oven to broil for 15-20 seconds or until cheese has melted. Remove from oven and finish assembly with bagel top, slice in half, and ENJOY!!

Shrimp Stuffed Portabello Caps!

ngredients for 1 or 2 servings: 
- 6oz shrimp (cooked and chopped)
- 2 portobello mushroom caps
- 1 cup brown rice (cooked)
- 1 cup spinach
- 2/3 cup pico de gallo
- 1/3 cup greek yogurt
- 1oz feta cheese.

Combine all ingredients (other than portobellos) in a mixing bowl. Fill Portobello caps with mixture. Place on foil lined baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve with roasted asparagus or your favorite veggie. Enjoy!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ensalada Frijoles y aguacates!

Pimiento Rojo
Vinagre de cilantro con limon y pimienta para aderesar.
Le puedes poner chile verde para dar el toque picosito

En un recipiente pequeño exprime 3 limones. Pica cilantro y lo pones en el mismo recipiente con pimienta, dejas reposar. 
En otro recipiente más grande pon dos tazas de frijoles negros sin caldo.
1/2 taza de pimiento rojo 
Un guaca te grande cortado en cuadros 
Una taza de elote blanco
Un Chile verte picado en cuadros pequeños 
Al final agrega el vinagre de cilantro para aderezar.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Warm garbanzo Salad

Warm Chickpea Salad with Cumin & Garlic
4 to 6 servings
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons whole cumin seeds
1/4 teaspoon dried red pepper flakes, or to taste
4 garlic cloves, finely minced
2 15-ounce cans chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed and drained
1/2 cup oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes, drained and finely chopped
3/4 cup Italian parsley, leaves only
Small handful fresh mint leaves
1 lemon, zested and juiced
3/4 pound English cucumber
Flaky sea salt
Heat the olive oil in a heavy skillet (cast iron is nice) over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the cumin seeds and crushed red pepper and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for about one minute or until the seeds are toasted. The cumin will turn slightly darker in color, and smell toasty.
Turn the heat to medium low and add the garlic. Cook, stirringly frequently, for about three minutes or until the garlic is turning golden. Do not let it scorch or turn brown.
Add the drained chickpeas and the chopped tomatoes and turn the heat up to medium high. Cook, stirring frequently, until the chickpeas are warmed through and are shiny with oil. Turn off the heat.
Strip any remaining stems away from the Italian parsley. Finely mince the parsley and the mint and toss this with the chickpeas. Stir the lemon juice and zest into the chickpeas.
Peel the cucumber and cut it in half lengthwise. Scrape out (and discard) the seeds with the tip of a teaspoon or grapefruit spoon. Dice the cucumber into small, 1/2-inch square cubes. Toss the cucumber with the chickpeas. Taste for salt. If necessary, add flaky sea salt to taste.
Refrigerate for at least an hour before eating. This salad is best after it has had a chance to sit overnight in the fridge, letting its spices and juices soak together into more than the sum of its parts. Serve slightly warm or room temperature. Really good at any temperature, actually.

Pure de Colifor

Ingredientes principales
1 Coliflor
1 Puerro
Aceite de oliva virgen
Sal marina
Comino molido
1 l de Caldo vegetal
Pimentón para decorar
Preparación de la receta
Para preparar la receta de Puré de coliflor

Lo primero, cuece la coliflor y el puerro en caldo vegetal y añade una pizca de sal, de pimienta, y de comino, así como un chorreón de aceite de oliva.

Bate la crema con ayuda de la batidora eléctrica y, si es necesario, pásalo por un pasapurés. Queda muy cremosa.

Decora con pimentón y comino, y un chorrito de aceite de oliva.


Chicken Pineapple Salad!

  • 3 ounces chicken breast, boneless, skinless, cooked
  • 3 tablespoons pineapple tidbits
  • 1 teaspoon pecans, chopped
  • 4 teaspoons mayonnaise, low-fat
  • 1/8 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/2 cup brown rice, cooked
  • 1 cup romaine lettuce, chopped

  • Chop cooked chicken into bite-sized pieces.
  • Mix chicken with pineapple, pecans, mayonnaise, curry powder and pepper. Gently fold in rice.
  • Place on a bed of lettuce and enjoy.


  • 1 pita, wheat, small, 4" diameter
  • 1/8 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons cheddar cheese, low-fat, low-sodium
  • 1/8 teaspoon oregano, dried
  • 1 piece jalapeño
  • 8 fluid ounces water

  • Slice open pita and brush very lightly with olive oil. Cut into triangular wedges.
  • Sprinkle cheese evenly over pita wedges.
  • Season with a pinch of oregano.
  • Heat under broiler until cheese is melted.
  • Add a slice of jalapeno, if desired.
  • Enjoy with a glass of water.